Category: Activism

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Eric Hobsbawm, Marxism and Social History


Eric Hobsbawm’s death last year robbed us of the last of that generation of Marxist scholars who did so much to transform the writing of history in the 1950s and 1960s—and in Hobsbawm’s case into the first decade of this century. There have been many tributes.

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A Revolutionary Discipline


We are engaged in a revolutionary discipline, as I have claimed, because of our ancestry. Modern anthropology is a child of the European Enlightenment, the axial age of the modern consciousness.

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Erich Fromm

Erich Fromm was a German-American social psychologist and psychoanalyst, who was associated with the Frankfurt School of critical theory. His work challenged the theories of Sigmund Freud, [1] and brought psychoanalysis to bear on sociological and political questions.